Block Malicious IPs in pfSense

Blocking unnecessary traffic on your network is a great way to improve performance, security and privacy. Reducing the amount of traffic leaves more bandwidth available for the traffic you actually want and blocking malicious sites reduces the risk that you will download something potentially dangerous onto your computer. It also means that if you do … Read more

Manage Users and Permissions Across Multiple Linux Hosts

As the number of Linux systems you want to manage increases, you will begin to see a need for more integrated host and user management. This allows for single sign on so you don’t need to maintain credentials for every system and simplifies creating service users to perform tasks across the whole domain such as … Read more

Remotely connect to your network using OpenVPN and pfSense

Previously I have described how to set up a WireGuard VPN to access your home network. In many ways I prefer WireGuard to other VPN solutions due to its better performance and faster connection times but there are various reasons why it may not always be appropriate particularly in a corporate or heavily mult-user environment. … Read more